Thank you for your support and encouragement in the
Without your help we would have had a much harder time to focus on the mission and its accomplishment.
Major Bill Flynn
Hawaii CERFP Acting Commander
Enhancing Natural Disaster Preparedness Training
Since 2015, Dunhill has successfully provided over 350 employees dispatched across three islands to support over 3,500 service members in natural disaster preparedness training. Dunhill’s role-player support brings the critical elements of realism, practicality, interaction and humanity to the training environment. Training in a classroom setting is important but pales in comparison when face-to-face with a living, breathing person in a high-stress situation. Hearing cries for help from a rubble pile and screams from chemical burn victims, cutting away clothing from chemically contaminated individuals, and handling people with simulated injuries and conditions puts trainees into the proper frame-of-mind, forces them to make hard decisions, sharpens their senses and heightens the urgency for rescue.
Dunhill consistently delivers the best role player program through its capable and seasoned management team. Our team is comprised of experienced military personnel that fully understand the unique nature and challenges of conducting domestic preparedness exercises. Our program management team works in concert with the exercise planners to develop and integrate role player participation.
In addition to our management team, Dunhill has developed an exclusive and fully integrated program that powers the delivery of hundreds of well-trained, well-rehearsed role-players. This program includes the “team lead” structure and even a concierge service to take care of our role players’ creature comforts, safeguard their belongings, and maintain a clean and positive atmosphere in staging areas.
With Dunhill’s organizational hierarchy and calculated procedures, we are able to seamlessly provide adequate flow rates of role players for the duration of the exercise in accordance with specific scenarios.
Our Program Services Include
Program Management Team
- Attendance at exercise planning meetings.
- Coordination of exercise requirements with other contractors to ensure unity of effort.
- Hiring additional staff to control, manage and monitor the safety at each event.
- Additional staff includes concierge representatives, site manager(s) and leads.
Role Players
- Exercise orientation, training and safety briefings.
- Management, transportation and communication support.
- Provide identification badges, safety gear, and supplies.
Customize role player mass casualty cards developed to support specific
exercise scenario requirements. - Provide acting instruction to enhance realism.
- Provide “Cut away” clothing.
Moulage Artists
- Provide scenario specific area wounds, secondary injuries and script for proper moulage application.
- Application to realistically simulate scenario relevant injuries and casualty symptoms.
After Action and Quality Assurance
- Develop After Action reports at the conclusion of the exercise.
- Develop and distribute surveys to role players.
- Analyze feedback and comments from our clients and role players to maintain quality at every level of the process.
Role Player Support & Moulage Artist Services
The overarching objective of Dunhill’s services is to provide the exercise response community with role players who exhibit realistic, scenario-relevant injuries and casualty symptoms that can be readily identified, evaluated, and processed for treatment in the event of a natural disaster.
Our role players’ priority task is to make mock injuries received from a natural disaster realistic and convincing. The use of moulage, the art of applying mock injuries for training, enhances the training environment, making role players’ injuries absolutely believable. The realism of the injuries created through moulage is invaluable and prompts natural reactions from first responders.
Our talented and experienced moulage artists efficiently schedule our role players in such a way that complex injuries are applied first, followed by the less complicated injuries so as not to disrupt the exercise flow. Our moulage professionals even provide touch-ups when needed.
Scenario-Specific (customized) Mass Casualty Cards & Wounds
Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Events:
- Anthrax
- Ricin
- Sarin Gas
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Arsine
- Phosgene
- Chlorine
- Anhydrous Ammonia
- Radiation (Cesium-137)
- Mustard Gas
- Sulfuric Acid
- Ammonium Nitrate
Wounds / Symptoms:
- Amputations
- Open amp; Closed Fractures
- Lacerations
- Abrasions
- 1st, 2nd amp; 3rd Degree Burns
- Puncture Wounds
- Dislocated Shoulder
- Contusions / Bruising
- Shock amp; Anxiety
- Smoke Inhalation
- Sucking Chest Wounds
- Flap Wounds

Quality Care for Contracted Role Players & Employees
Taking care of our employees at the job site is our top priority. We hire an ambulance and emergency medical technicians (EMT’s) in the event of real life casualties. While we continuously monitor the potential hazards for our role players and enforce safety, having ready medical services standing by provides us with peace-of-mind and allows our management team and role players to focus on outstanding performance.
Past Performance
In direct support of the National Guard’s 2015, 2016 Vigilant Guard and CERF-P Evaluation exercise programs, Dunhill provided outstanding role player support and moulage services at the following exercise sites:
- Bellows AFB, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii
- Kalaeloa, Oahu, Hawaii
- Hanapepe Armory, Kauai, Hawaii
- Hilo: Keaukaha Military Reservation (KMR), Big Island, Hawaii
- Queen’s Medical Center West, Oahu, Hawaii
Of Special Note: On June 4th – 6th, 2015, the Hawaii National Guard performed its largest ever disaster exercise with more than 2,200 participants from multiple states responding to simulated hurricane and other events across Oahu, Maui, Kauai and the Big Island. Dunhill proudly provided nearly 140 role players to support these historical exercises
May 1st, 2016 the Hawaii National Guard receives a “Perfect Grade”
Message from Major William Flynn, Hawaii CERF-P Acting Commander
Hawaii National Guard Team,
We received word today from our JITEC Evaluators that the HI CERFP did successfully pass our EXEVAL. There were no “U” Untrained portions, no “P” Need Practice and 23 out of 23 “T” Trained evaluated main tasks.
Evaluators said that they have never given all “T” to a section and Hawaii was the first.
Great Job to all the Airman, Soldiers and Officers of the Air and Army National Guard who (in the evaluators words) Enthusiasm, Humility and sense of Urgency was able to rapidly accomplished the mission.
We concluded the Incident Commander’s Termination Process at 0012 hours on Sunday, 1 MAY 2016 and was the First time the HI CERF-P has been evaluated and performed a night mission.
Thank you for your support and encouragement in the Hawaii CERFP’s EXEVAL. Without your help we would have had a much harder time to focus on the mission and its accomplishment.
Great Job to all and know that the Hawaii CERF-P is trained, equipped and ready to respond should a disaster occur.
Please pass this on to your troops and those whom I’ve missed.
MAJ Bill Flynn
Hawaii CERF-P Acting Commander
Here’s what our role players said about Dunhill’s performance…
Naomi McFarlane
The staff of Dunhill are just lovely! I had such a great time getting to know them and sharing laughs with them. It will certainly be a pleasure to work with them again!
Cheryl Ellwood
The Dunhill staff responded promptly and were friendly, making it easy to get through the laborious process. I think it was valuable in serving its purpose – to help prepare first responders. I could see them learning throughout the process, and I hope that if the time ever comes, they will be capable of responding well and saving lives. I hope Dunhill will keep me informed of other opportunities to act, role play or assist in training of any kind.
Alvin Caraulia
Dunhill assembled a wonderful cast of players. The moulage artists were the best in the industry. Everyone involved did everything in their power to make this exercise the success that it was.
Blayne Naipo
Great experience to learn from and fortunate to have had acted out a scary, yet much needed scenario to prepare our National Guardsmen. I applaud all the various services who participated and hats off to Dunhill for portraying themselves in the utmost professional dealings. I look forward to the opportunity to work again.
Katrina Frias
Everything ran very smoothly and the Dunhill employees were very helpful with everything the role players had questions about
Barbara Crai
Dunhill did an awesome job in the process. The staff was very helpful and kind. Process was simple. Thank you!
James Gauer
DPH was quick, professional and efficient.”
Sub-Contracting Capabilities
Emergency Response
Dedicated professional firefighters, industry experts, business leaders and community advocates with a common goal. Dunhill is capable of providing an innovative, collaborative approach to training designed to make all of us safer and more effective at work.
Incident Command
National Incident Management System (NIMS)/Incident Command System (ICS) Subject Matter Expert (SME) Support for Incident/Area Command
Dunhill’s Incident Commanders and Area Commanders are trained and proficient in the NIMS/ICS methods and protocol. Dunhill is capable of providing NIMS/ICS personnel with the requisite knowledge to implement an Incident Command Systems and Emergency Plans in order to support each exercise venue.
Dunhill maintains the industry’s best photographers and videographers that effectively capture the action and intensity of preparedness training. Our media specialists document training activities with precision and purpose.